The Spring Senior Thesis Seminar will consist of critiques that take place during weekly meetings with department thesis advisor Stefanie Solum and fellow students. The structure generally is tutorial format, with occasional group meetings in order to solicit diverse responses and feedback. That being said, you must have a faculty advisor in an appropriate field to be a more specialized reader. This individual is usually but not always the person for whom you wrote a paper on the topic you want to turn into a thesis. It is up to you to determine if that faculty member is available and willing to serve as your advisor.
Please fill out the following document with the appropriate signatures:
Faculty Advisor Approval Form & Art History Senior Honors Thesis Project Proposal
Please submit the form with your faculty advisor’s signature clearly indicated and all of the appropriate information completed. Include the original paper from which the thesis topic develops, and provide an additional 1 to 1 1⁄2 page Project Proposal for your topic that clearly identifies your thesis and provides a rationale. You may also provide a supplemental bibliography. Please outline your studio/research and work plan for January to share with your advisors.
*Research Budget for the Spring Term
Although not required, you may provide a research budget and a justification for any travel and research materials (books, etc.) that you may require.
Please keep in mind that budgets will be funded as finances permit.
The completed form with signatures must be submitted by the last day of the final exam period.